Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many birds are used in your shows?

A: Normally 15 or 16 different species of birds.

Q: All in the parrot family?

A: Yes.

Q: How long is your show?

A: Between 55 and 60 minutes.

Q: Will children in the lower grades be able to comprehend the same information you give to older students?

A: I modify my vocabulary accordingly, based on the age group I am speaking to. If it is a show with mixed ages of people, I speak so they will all understand me. I’ve been doing this for over 25 years and I’ve never had any problem with this that I can recall.


Q: Has anyone ever been bitten by a bird during one of your shows?

A: No, that has never happened. The only kinds of shows where I allow anyone to handle two of three of my birds that I know will not bite — are birthday parties.

Q: Do you carry liability insurance.

A: Yes, I do.

Q: What kinds of tricks do your birds do?

A: This is not a circus show, it is a show where the birds are themselves. No tricks. That having been said, they do talk, which is why no two of my shows are ever the same. I have no idea which bird will say something or when they will say it! And a few of them have very funny behaviors. They do like to show off and have their pictures taken!


Q: Where do your birds come from?

A: All my birds were hatched in captivity. None of them came from the wild. The vast majority of the birds in my shows were given to me by people who either felt they simply did not have the time required for their pet, or in some cases the people moved into a house or apartment with neighbors close by — and noise was the issue. Most birds are very noisy. If you have a neighbor that has issues with that — you are going to have nothing but problems.

Q: So your birds were not rescue cases?

A: No, not a single one of these birds came to me from a home where they were starving or neglected in any way, shape, or form.


Q: Do you still accept birds from people who want to give them to you?

A: I have to be very picky. I have turned down many more birds than I have accepted. I own a large home with a large fenced yard but it is only so big and there is only so much room. I keep all the birds in the three rooms I am in the most throughout the day. Socialization and interaction are so important! The bond I have with each and every bird is an on-going process. It never stops. It simply can’t in my book.

Q: So what is your criteria for a bird you might be offered?

A: Four things. First, if is it a species of bird that I want. Then it has to be fairly well socialized, used to both men and women if at all possible. It cannot be a plucker that chews it feathers off or pulls them out. And lastly, it cannot be what I call a “chronic biter”. Even though no one but me or my assistant handle the vast majority of birds in my shows, it is a big plus if I don’t get bitten all the time. At the most I may take on three more birds, and I already know what species they will be.

Q: Do you help people with medical issues their birds may have?

A: No. Not at all. I am not a veterinarian. I am always glad to refer someone to whom I feel is the best avian vet in the Pacific Northwest. General care and behavior is a different story — I do offer advice in these areas on a regular basis, based on my own experiences. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I am able to share what I have learned with others — which I do through my shows, workshops, and seminars.

Q: Will you be adding more to your FAQ section?

A: Since I am always asked questions about my shows and my flock — that is inevitable. Stay tuned!


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