BRING SOME EDU-TAINMENT ( the magical combination of education and entertainment) TO YOUR CHILD’S NEXT BIRTHDAY PARTY!
The Oregon Bird Man will bring his spectacular flock for birthday parties or other promotional events!
Contact for rates.
“Karl, the kids had a wonderful time and appreciated all your beautiful birds! Sylvie is keeping her prized feather from Kermit! Thank you for coming early and making sure everything went well. The pictures are great and will be fun to share with all Sylvie’s friends.You made it such a special birthday. Sylvie was thrilled!” — Lark, Tim, and Sylvie, Portland, Oregon
Katie waves at children and says “Bye Bye!”
“Karl, the Oregon Bird Man, helped us celebrate my daughter’s 7th birthday during the snow storm that blanketed much of Oregon in early February. Karl kept his commitment to present his beautiful birds at my daughter’s party, despite six inches of snow, and a commute that doubled in time. He and his birds were the hit of the party for both the kids (and adults who decided to stay since the weather was too bad to drive!). Karl’s passion for animals, and his desire to inspire other animal lovers, is evident. The kids loved the beauty and color of his birds, as well as learning about their habitat, diet, and life span. It was a great way to spend a snowy afternoon with kids and adults. Thanks, Karl!” — Lisa
“Awesome! It was a great show, and I learned a lot about these types of birds. Bella had a blast! These were amazing birds! I have to say — my wife and I loved Nacho probably the most — a real cutie pie of a bird — and I think Nacho knows that, too!” —Timothy Linn, Portland, Oregon
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